Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3: Jericho

I am writing this post from the oldest city in the world, Jericho. We have officially entered Palestinian territory, and had another amazing day.

Before we ventured to Jericho, we started out by journeying up Mount Tabor. There we visited the Greek Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration at the top. The bus only took us part of the way, then we had an adventurous taxi ride up to the top.

Once at the top, we enjoyed a spectacular view and the hospitality of the nuns of the monastery.

Inside the beautiful church, there were many spectacular things to see including the stone upon where Christ was transfigured. Pilgrims who tried to photograph the stone directly, could not.

We listened to the Gospel lesson of the Transfiguration and remembered all of our friends and families who celebrate their nameday on the feast of the Transfiguration (all of the Soteroulas, Soterias, Soterioses).

We then moved on to Jericho, where we had the blessing to gather around the sycamore tree that Zaccheus climbed to see Christ as well as a well of Elliseos.

We read the Gospel lesson of Zaccheus, sang his apolytikion and discussed the importance of rising above the crowds of our distractions and focusing on Christ.

We enjoyed lunch at a local restaurant which included some awesome filafel!

Upon departing there we went to the Monastery on the Mount of Temptations (Sarantarion Oros). We had to take cablecars to the to monastery which is certainly at one of the highest points of the city. After a rigorous climb up the rest of the way, we met the two monks who are serving the monastery, who are spiritually uplifting in their service to the Church.

At the monastery we saw the rock where Christ prayed during his 40 day fast before He began His sacred ministry and the cave of St. Elias (the entrance to the cave was narrow and low...extremely humbling).

We discussed the importance of fasting and prayer following Christ's example and also talked about the role of the Prophets.

After sampling the local wares, we adjourned for the hotel to get some rest for our journey to Mt. Sinai tomorrow.

This may be the last blog entry until after Egypt, as the internet coverage will be spotty at best.


  1. Truly an awe inspiring trip! I enjoy reading your blog, and seeing the pictures too! Thanks Fr. Luke!

  2. It's amazing !! God bless you all!

  3. Hi all, wish I was with you....What a beautiful, spiritual experience!!!

  4. What a GREAT trip...God Bless You all! What memories...
