Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 8: Too many places to remember for the title!

Wow! Another packed day for us that was spiritually uplifting tinged with sadness at the thought of the trip ending soon.

We decided to wake up early s0 that we could go to the Holy
Sepulcher of Christ one more time to venerate in much less crowded situation than during the Midnight Liturgy. The enthusiasm of the pilgrims at this site is so great that crowds become very aggressive about getting close to venerate and see. Thanks to our experienced Parish Council Members we formed a perimeter in order to hold our group's place in line. Going to venerate the Holy Sepulcher is something so powerful that every Orthodox Christian should experience. While approaching the tomb, we chanted hymns from Holy Friday and from the Resurrection Service, and hymns from the memorial service. After venerating again and praying for everyone I could think of again, the priest overseeing the area gave us candles lit in the Sepulcher to break up and give to the sick of our parish.

We then climbed the stairs to Golgotha the place of Christ's Crucifixion. Emotions ran high as we chanted the beautiful hymn from Holy Thursday Evening,

Σήμερον κρεμάται επί ξύλου,
ο εν ύδασι την γην κρεμάσας.
Στέφανον εξ ακανθών περιτίθεται,
ο των αγγέλων βασιλεύς.
Ψευδή πορφύραν περιβάλλεται,

ο περιβάλλων τον ουρανόν εν νεφέλαις.
Ράπισμα κατεδέξατο,
ο εν Ιορδάνη ελευθερώσας τον Αδάμ.
Ήλοις προσηλώθη, ο νυμφίος της Εκκλησίας.
Λόγχη εκεντήθη, ο υιός της Παρθένου.

Προσκυνούμεν σου τα Πάθη, Χριστέ.
Δείξον ημίν και την ένδοξόν σου Ανάστασιν.

Today is hung upon the Tree, He Who suspended the Earth amidst the waters. A crown of thorns crowns Him, Who is the King of Angels. He, Who wrapped the Heavens in clouds, is clothed with the purple of mockery. He, who freed Adam in the Jordan, received buffetings. He was transfixed with nails, Who is the Bridegroom of the Church. He was pierced with a lance, Who is the Son of the Virgin.

We worship your Passion, O Christ. Show us also Your glorious Resurrection.

Related to Golgotha, the Tradition of our Holy Orthodox Church teaches that levels below the Precious Blood of Christ ran down the Mount of Golgotha to the Tomb of Adam, washing away our forefather's sins.

We then moved to the stone where the Precious Body of Christ was Anointed. This stone is still fragrant to this day. I rubbed my prayer rope and some crosses that I bought for my daughters upon this stone and they still have the fragrance of the stone upon them hours later.

Descending into the depths of the grounds of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, we went to chapel of the finding of the Precious and Life-giving Cross. We reflected on Christ's words we He states that if we wish to follow come after Him that we must take up our cross daily and follow Him.

Leaving the Church of the Resurrection, we ventured out into the c
ity to have a quick lunch and see the Western Wall after a semi-rigorous security screening by Israeli police.

We continued up the way of the Cross and stopped by the Greek Orthodox chapel at the Praetorium seeing the cell where Christ was imprisoned, beaten, spat upon and mocked for us and for our salvation. This was certainly another very emotional stop for us imaging in that small cell, our Lord, God and Savior in His Suffering.

Following this, we visited the Monastery of St. Anna. On these grounds are is the Pool of Bethesda where Christ Healed the paralytic man who was waiting for the angel to move the waters for healing. This is also the place of the birth of the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. Our thoughts went to our Philoptochos Chapter which is named after St. Anna.

Something that I didn't realize until this pilgrimage is that Bethesda means Gate of Mercy, which takes on even more significance considering the birth of the Panagia God's mercy for each of us through his Divine Dispensation.

Our last day is tomorrow. It will certainly be a day of mixed emotions. As a side note, happy anniversary to Gary and Kathy Verderosa, celebrating their 29th Anniversary, we will pray for them tomorrow at Cana of Galilee.


  1. Father Luke,
    This blog is an education in itself. We can't wait for your photo and slide presentation at home.

  2. thanks for all the blogs. mom, dean and i are enjoying the pix! Enjoy the rest of your trip and have a safe flight home!

  3. It has been great to read about each day of your journey. Can't wait to see more pictures and hear about it when you're back. Have a safe trip home!
